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3 Pages Essays / Projects Year Uploaded: 2024

In early 1919, the Weimar constitution was drafted and passed by the National Assembly in August of that year. This constitution would later become the cause of many of Germany’s problems in the future, and was characterized by an unstable political system. The Weimar Constitution was hated since its very beginning due to its many flaws, such as the extensive power given to the president in emergency situations, the proportional representation that made it extremely difficult for laws to be passed on, and many others. However, it was not the only reason for Germany’s many problems, as the First World War severely affected Germany and its people, the Treaty of Versailles only worsened Germany’s situation, and the Great Depression caused the German economy to collapse. These events played a key part in causing Germany’s problems, but the Weimar Constitution and its many ills were more important and a played a bigger role in causing them.

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How important were weaknesses in the Weimar Constitution in causing Germany’s problems, 1919-1933?  - Page 1
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