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Stage 1 English (A) Narrative "Ashkii and the White Wolf"


2 Pages Essays / Projects Year Uploaded: 2021

Stage 1 English (A) Narrative "Ashkii and the White Wolf" Extract: The drums beat a mighty rhythm, the sound of music swept across the Great Plains and the soft lulling chant lingered long into the night. The echo of the Shaman drums pulsed a steady throb proclaiming the oncoming storm. Heavy dark clouds bore down on the scattering of teepees that flapped wildly in the wind but held fast. At last the fire died, leavings the coals smouldering as red hot embers. Ashkii seized his chance. He knew what he must do to prove himself. With a bow and quiver of arrows slung over his back and a spear clasped in his hand, he set off due north, toward the territory of the White Wolf. The wind whistled all around him, tugging at the masses of his long black hair and whipping them into his face repeatedly. With the fierce gale brewing, Ashkii ran, dashing through the grass blades with uncanny agility and speed. As he ran, the bitter cold slipped from his mind but was soon replaced with a newfound sense of fear as his focus had shifted solely to his quest. In spite of the danger, Ashkii’s pride promptly reminded him of a common saying his father always upheld, ‘Finish what you start’. The words recurred over and over in his mind but the surge of valour rapidly wavered as he trekked further into unfamiliar territory. Ashkii began to tire and slowed to a walking pace but the cold only grew harsher and the ever present threat of nocturnal predators began to grate more fiercely at his nerves. The boy’s senses on high alert, his eyes would dart to the source of the slightest sounds that broke the eerie silence, but all sounds were lost in the whistle of air humming by like the flight of a million arrows. Still, Ashkii’s determination kept his mind on his objective, the White Wolf.

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Stage 1 English (A) Narrative
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