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Stage 1 English (A level) Narrative "The Introvert's Guide to a Friendship"


3 Pages Essays / Projects Year Uploaded: 2021

Stage 1 English (A level) Narrative "The Introvert's Guide to a Friendship". Extract: “This is Bella,” I stood solemnly as Maria Trill introduced me to her friends. “She’s new to the school.” Nervous was not a word that described my first day at Windsor High School for that implied I had expectations. The only things I cared about were my parents, myself and the works of Douglas Adams. Friendships were not my concern. Even though my parents had wanted me to try and make friends at my new school, I didn’t see the point. I just wanted to isolate myself with a copy of the Salmon of Doubt to keep me company. “Hi,” I felt obliged to greet the row of curious eyes sat across the courtyard bench. My feeble heart was overwhelmed as my anxiety bubbled. They introduced themselves one by one: Ashley, Jordan, Lisa…; so on and so forth. While they went on chit-chatting, I began pondering, how was it that in the entire infinite universe, I was being forced to listen other ape-descendants blabber on about K-pop? I was so distracted by my own thoughts that I almost failed to realise that, without warning, they had shifted their interests to the particular ape-descendant named Bella Harper. “Bella?” someone enquired. “Huh?” I was caught off guard. My heart reached a climax as a sense of ill-preparedness and anxiety flooded through my veins. “What sort of music you like?” she continued. “Um…” My palms were instantly wet with sweat at the prospect of having to actually be in this conversation. I searched desperately for a response. “I guess… the Beatles are pretty good.”

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Stage 1 English (A level) Narrative
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